The chart illustrates the percentage of respondents in the Ladin municipalities of the three province -Trento, Bolzano, and Bellunos- indicating their proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Ladin as good/fairly good or poor/non-existent.

The chart illustrates the percentage of respondents indicating their proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Ladin as good/fairly good based on their year of birth.

Q0800LA.val. Do you understand, speak, read and write in Ladin well or fairly well? (Distribution by Year of Birth)

The chart illustrates the percentage of respondents indicating their proficiency in understanding, speaking, reading, and writing Ladin as good/fairly good based on their declared mother tongue.

Q0800LLM.val. Do you understand, speak, read and write in Ladin well or fairly well? (Distribution by Mother Tongue)

The chart illustrates how the percentages of comprehension and production of Ladin -both spoken and written- vary according to the mother tongue declared by the respondents.

Q0800LLM.perc. Do you understand, speak, read and write in Ladin well or fairly well? (Distribution by Mother Tongue) [Overview]

The chart illustrates the percentage of respondents indicating their proficiency in understanding Ladin as good/fairly good or poor/non-existent based on their year of birth.

Q0802LA. Do you understand the Ladin of your valley? (Distribution by Year of Birth)

The chart illustrates the percentage of respondents indicating their proficiency in speaking Ladin as good/fairly good or poor/non-existent based on their year of birth.

Q0803LA. Can you speak the Ladin of your valley? (Distribution by Year of Birth)

The chart illustrates the percentage of respondents indicating their proficiency in reading Ladin as good/fairly good or poor/non-existent based on their year of birth.

Q0804LA. Can you read the Ladin of your valley? (Distribution by Year of Birth)

The chart illustrates the percentage of respondents indicating their proficiency in writing Ladin as good/fairly good or poor/non-existent based on their year of birth.

Q0806LA. Can you write the Ladin of your valley? (Distribution by Year of Birth)

New charts illustrating the survey results will be periodically published.